Sunday, July 12, 2009

planet 3ds max

by Didik Wijaya

Space Scene: Asteroid BeltIn this tutorial you will learn how to create nice space scene. There are several objects you need to create: simple planet, asteroid belt, and then making all asteroid moving in circle. Also you will create a starry background. This scene is created from scratch.

1.First step, you need to create asteroid object. Create a sphere in Top viewport. Use Radius=10. After that, go to Modify tab, and choose Noise from Modifier List. In Parameters rollout, activate Fractal, and use Strength in each axis=50. You will get random asteroid shape.

2. Next, you need to texture the asteroid. Open Material Editor (shortcut "M"). In Blinn Basic Parameters, change Diffuse color to brown. Apply this material by dragging from sample slot to asteroid object in viewport.

3. Right click and save image below. You will use this image later. In Material Editor, open Maps rollout. Increase Bump value to 500. Click None button right next to Bump. Choose Bitmap and use image below. In Coordinates rollout use Tiling U=4 and V=4. Bump will simulate roughness in asteroid surface.

Right click and save image above.
Image is created using Photoshop (Clouds and Fresco filter)

4. Do a test render. Using Bump channel, asteroid is looks more realistic now.

5. To achieve more random looks, I should create another asteroid. I simply clone the original asteroid. Hold Shift+drag to create cloned asteroid. Make sure to use Copy for Cloning Method. Select each clone and go to Modify tab, change Seed and Strength value to create different asteroid shape.

When finished, select all asteroid and group them (Group>Group). Name this group = asteroid.

6. Next, we are going to create planet. Create a sphere with Radius=50. Open Material Editor. Click Get Material button. In opened window, Make sure Browse From=Matl Library. Search for Space_Jupiter material and double click to use this material. Apply this material to sphere.

7. Create tube in Top viewport. Use parameters below. Move tube until it is in the same axis as sphere. You will use this tube later for asteroid placement. Right click tube and choose Properties. Uncheck Renderable to make this object invisible when rendered. In next tutorial, you will create a whole bunch of asteroid surrounding the planet using Particle Flow.

Friday, July 3, 2009

box to car

Hi friends,

Today we are going to try our hands on that incredible Modeling Technique in 3ds Max, “The Box Modeling” we’ll be creating a simple SUV model from a Box

Before that I assume that you are having that basic idea in Max.

  • We’ll start our things by placing a box in the viewport with these dimensions 90,50,50 and for the segments, we’ll go for 6,6,6

  • After that we’ll convert our Box into an Editable Polygon(Right click>convert to>Editable poly)

  • Then select the polygon sublevel and select the Polygons shown in the picture, we are going to make the front area of our SUV

  • We will use the Extrude Option and use the default value for Extruding the selected polygons thrice for the Bonnet.

  • Select the Vertex sub level and adjust the vertices in all viewports for getting the shape shown in the picture.

  • Now select the Polygons shown in the picture for creating the front glass and then inset them with a small value, I used 1.0

  • For the same Polygons we are going to apply a Bevel with both height and inset are -.5

  • Use the same method for window glasses also.

  • Select the polygons shown in the picture for creating a bumper and Extrude them using “local normal” to 1.5 units

Now is the time for Creating wheel arches, back dickey. We will use the Boolean Compound Object here. For that we will create 4 cylinders for wheel arches and a box modified using Editable Polygon method, as the dickey which I shown in the picture.

  • For Boolean we will use a trick. We will attach four cylinders and the dickey object together from “Edit Geometry>attach” because after this Max will consider it as a single object and we can use the Boolean operation only once

  • I used some Tubes and splines to modify the SUV like this..its upto to you.

  • Its almost finished, we are going to make a Tyre. From a Chamfer Cylinder and an Extruded NGon, we can make it very easily like this

  • Now for the front grill. First we will create new edges in the front using Connect option.

  • And then Extrude the Edges with a small value like in the pic

Done.You have almost completed your Box Model. It’s very easy and effective for a Beginner.

In next tutorials we will explore the 3d world very deeply…

plane part 1

by Didik Wijaya
This tutorial needs you to understand basic use of 3dsmax. You may find previous tutorial useful, like Modeling a Cartoon Pig, Modeling Using Blueprint and Modeling Apache Helicopter

A6M3 WW2 Plane Modeling Part 1This tutorial covers how to create low poly World War 2 plane model. In the early years of WW II, the Japanese Mitsubishi A6M virtually ruled the skies. There are several varian of A6M, one of them is A6M3. You will create this plane. This tutorial is suitable for newbie in 3dsmax modeling. Different from previous tutorial, Modeling Apache Helicopter, this tutorial is much simpler and easier to follow. In first part of this tutorial, you will create body and wing.

1. Download 3dsmax lesson file here (3dsmax ver 8, zipped). In this file, you can find blueprint to help you in modeling. Bitmap file for blueprint mapping is also available. After opening the file, right click each viewport, then activate Smooth And Highlight (F3) and Edge Faces display option (F4).

Create primitive object, a cylinder, in Front viewport. Use values below. Position cylinder to match body of the plane in blueprint. Open Material Editor, select one of unused material slot. Change Diffuse Color into any color you want, set Transparency=50%. Finally, apply this material to cylinder. Using transparent material will let you see blueprint behind clearly.


2. Right click cylinder and choose Convert to>Convert to Editable Poly. Open Modify tab. Then apply Symmetry modifier to this object, because the plane you are going to create is identical between left and right. In Parameter rollout, use Mirror Axis=X and activate Flip.

In Modifier Stack, click minus (-) sign on the left of Editable Poly. Then, select Vertex. Using Select And Move tool, move vertices to match plane segment. Use image below for reference. Select vertices in each bottom segment, and use Select And Uniform Scale tool to resize.


3. Now, activate Polygon selection. In Left viewport, select 1 polygon at the bottom of plane. In Edit Polygons rollout, click Extrude button. Next, click and drag in viewport to give extrusion. In Edit Geometry rollout, click X button right next to Make Planar. In Front viewport, move polygon to the tip of the wing. And use Select and Non-Uniform Scale along Y axis to make the wing thinner.


4. Change selection to Vertex. In Top viewport, move vertices to shape the wing.


5. Now, activate Edge selection. Select two edges at the top of the wing (look at image below). You can always select several edges altogether by holding Ctrl when selecting. In Edit Edges rollout, click Setting button right next to Connect. In Connect edges window, fill in Segments=2, Pinch=28 and Slide=-9. As result, your wing will be divided by another 2 edges horizontaly.


6. Change to Vertex selection. Select 2 vertices at the middle of wing (at the body). Then, in Edit Geometry rollout, change Constraints fo Face. Now, move vertices up. Notice that you can move those vertices along faces in body of the plane. After your wing has enough depth, change Constraints back to None.


7. Change selection to Edges. Select 2 vertical edges at the tip of wing. In Edit Edges rollout, click Chamfer button. Click and drag in viewport to chamfer those edges a little bit.


8. Now, we are going to create wing tail. Still in Edge selection, in Edit Geometry rollout, click Cut button. Click twice at the edges like image below.


9. Activate Polygon selection. Select polygon like image below and gives extrusion. Use Make Planar X to make this polygon parallel with vertical axis. In Front viewport, move and non-uniform scale this polygon to match blueprint behind. Next step, add chamfering like you did before.


10. Change selection to Polygon. Select 2 polygon at the top of the tail and extrude them. Use Make Planar Y to make them parallel with horizontal axis. Non-uniform scale to match buleprint.


11. Activate Vertex selection. Select two vertices like image below. Non-uniform scale them along X axis. Back to Polygon selection. Add another extrusion. Non-uniform scale to match blueprint behind. And finally, gives chamfering at edges.


12. If you deactivate all sub-object selection, and highlight Symmetry modifier in Modifier Stack, this is what you will get so far.


A6M3 WW2 Plane Modeling Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Any question or comments regarding this tutorial should be sent to:
Didik Wijaya, email:

Monday, June 22, 2009


In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to make twinkling effects.
I explain the method of making twinkling effects from Shader
and the method of making from light.

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle shader for particles and objects
maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Assign a material to the object,
set over 0 value to the Glow Intensity.
(Any material is good if there is Glow Intensity)

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
In this case, I assigned a Blinn material to a sphere object.
The above figure is an rendered image. .

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
There is the shaderGlow1 in Hypershade,
double-click it and open the Attribute Editor.

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
The shaderGlow1 has two group of the Glow Attributes and the Halo Attributes

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Glow Type - Linear
Halo Type - None
you get the effects by only Glow.
The above figure is an rendered image.

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Glow Type - None
Halo Type - Linear
you get the effects by only Halo.
The above figure is an rendered image.

The shine near the shining object is the Glow.
Parting from the object and extending is the Halo.

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
In this case, we set
Glow Type - None
Halo Type - Linear
and we will set the attributes of Halo.
(Because Glow and Halo of the shaderGlow1 have the same attribute,
you may set it by either.)

The attributes are the following.
Star Points - the number of points on the star
Halo Intensity - the brightness of halo
Halo Spread - the size of the halo
Halo Eccentricity - the brightness of halo
Halo Star Level - set over 0 value, halo will be star shape

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Star Points 4
Halo Intensity 5
Halo Spread 0.3
Halo Eccentricity 0.1
Halo Star Level 0.7

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Star Points 4
Halo Intensity 5
Halo Spread 0.3
Halo Eccentricity 0.1
Halo Star Level 2
The star shape changed.

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Star Points 6
Halo Intensity 5
Halo Spread 0.3
Halo Eccentricity 0.1
Halo Star Level 2
The star points became 6.

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
If you put the check in Hide Source of the material,
the rendering only of the halo effect is done.

You do the same setting for the particles.
I set Blobby Surface to the Particle Render Type, and assigned a Blinn material,
the above figure is an rendered image.

Please refer to the following for the setting of the particles.
Maya Tutorials:basics of particle

You can set the shaderGlow1 only by one per one scene.
If you want to set two or more shape of the glow or halo,
you should individually do rendering, and composite them later.

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle light effects
With Point Light, Spot Light, Area Light
you can make light effects by setting
Light Effects > Light Glow

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Click maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle of Light Glow

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Then opticalFX1 will be made.

It is set in default as follows,
Glow Type - Linear
Halo Type - None
Glow Star Level - 3

It will be rendered as a star shape.
The difference between Glow and Halo is the same
as the shaderGlow1.

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Star Points - 4 (default)

maya tutorials twinkle effects shader particle
Star Points - 6

You cannot express the star with Halo
because there is no Star Level attribute in the Halo of the light effects.